
Monday 31 December 2012

Easy way to Learn Pivot Table Step By Step - Tutorial - Case Study 5

Using Microsoft Excel 2007
Create an excel with below data :

We are trying to find the average weight of people at each age.
Highlight from A1 to C5.
Click Insert -> Pivot Table -> Pivot table
Click Ok
First, Drag the Age column inside Row Label box as below

Now, Drag the Name inside Row Labels box as below

Click down arrow in Age -> Click Field Settings
In layout & Print Tab -> Check “Show item labels in tabular form” as below

Click Ok
You will see below screen

Now, Drag the Weight inside Values as below

Since we need to know average weight at each age, Sum of weight is not correct.
To do this, Click Downarrow in Sum of Weight -> Click Value Field Settings -> Select Average -> Click ok
You will get the desired result as below:

It shows 25 Total, which looks meaning less. To change this,
Click Downarrow in Age Under Row Labels -> Click Field Settings -> Select Custom -> Highlight “Average” as below

Click Ok
You will get  below screen

To change Row Labels, you can just rename as below

Click the – sign and you can see average of weight as below:

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