
Friday 22 November 2013


Who am I? This is not a simple question!!  Ramana maharishi life turned, after really trying to get an real answer.
Tell about Yourself? Funny Question in Interviews. Mostly it is about how good you are good in selling yourself for money. Mostly, it is about materialistic success + fakes.

Who am I? 
Spiritual understanding: 

  • As per B.Gita - We all came from Paramaathmaa. So, I am Aathmaa.
  • I came into this Body. I know i exist, even at dark night, though i can't see anything, even my body.
  • The Body at my childhood is no more with me. The body that i possess now is completely different from the childhood photo. But i know, i was there and i am here.
  • I know, someday i had to leave this body which looks ever changing due to nature.
  • My body grows, only if i eat, drink.
  • As Aathmaa, i don't have any pain, worries and only longing for happiness.
  • I am interested to search happiness thru out my life because, i was enjoying happiness when i was with Paramaathmaa. After moving out from Paramaathmaa and entered this Body, i felt like i lost the happiness i had. My Body is associated with Maya (heart/mind).
  • Whenever i am awake, i feel pain, worries are affecting me. I feel like i get affected, if i am hurt on my body or by my heart or by my mind. To make myself prove that, these pains, worries are not for me, i sleep. Even if my hands broken (body get hurt), close relatives died (heart get hurt), future in question (mind is hurt), i go sleep. In Deep Sleep, i lose the conscious of body, heart, mind but only me is present. In Deep Sleep, i don't feel any of these pain i had when i was awake. Somehow, i can fee i/Aathmaa don't have any pain unconsciously.
  • Thru' meditation, few of people/aathmaa able to consciously see that aathmaa does not have these pain.
  • The only way to achieve happiness for this Aathmaa is to reach the Paramaathmaa.
  • Goal of Everyone's Life - To Achieve happiness.
  • Ever lasting Happiness is attained if Aathmaa shows desires to be part of Paramaathmaa.
  • To achieve this, I/Aathmaa have to make this Body/mind/heart as slaves and give this Aathmaa a consistent chance to be associated with people/aathmaa who are showing interest towards in reaching paramaathmaa.
  • Only thru Good Association/SatSang, this aathmaa finds its way to reach Paramaathmaa.
  • Paramaathmaa is Adhi Narayan/Sri Krishna/Sri Rama.

Social Understanding: 

  • I am associated with idealistic/optimistic concepts andrather spiritual issues.
  • I am somewhat more difficult to live up to.
  • I have the capacity to be inspirational, and able to leadmerely by own example.
  • An inborn inner strength and awareness can make me anexcellent teacher, social worker, philosopher, or advisor.
  • No matter what area of work i pursue, i am very aware andsensitive to the highest sense of my environment.
  • My intuition/instinct is very strong.
  • I possess a good mind with keen analytical/reasoningability. Because of this, i can probably succeed in most lines of work,however, i will do better and be happier outside of the business world.
  • Oddly enough, even here i generally succeed, owing to myoften original and unusual approach.
  • Nonetheless, i am more content working with my ideals/ethics,rather than dollars and cents.
  • My thinking is long term, and i am able to grasp thefar-reaching effects of actions and plans. i get disappointed by theshortsighted views of many of my contemporaries/generations.
  • I am deeply concerned and supportive of art, music, or ofbeauty in any form.
  • I may be too sensitive and temperamental/unpredictable. Itend to dream a lot and may be more of a dreamer than a doer/achiever.
  • Fantasy/Dream and reality sometimes become inter mingled andi am sometimes very impractical.
  • I tend to want to spread the illumination/light of myknowledge to others irrespective of their desire or need.
  • The idea of travel and freedom to roam intrigues/fascinatesme. I am very much the adventurer at heart. Not particularly concerned about myfuture or about getting ahead. I may seem superficial/exterior and unmotivated.
  • I have a natural resourcefulness and enthusiasm that maymark me as a progressive with a good mind and active imagination.
  • I seem to have a natural inclination to be a pace-setter. Iam attracted to the unusual and the fast paced.
  • I may be overly restless and impatient at times. I maydislike the routine work that I am engaged in, and tend to jump from activityto activity, without ever finishing anything.
  • I may have difficulty with responsibility.
  • I don't want to be tied down to a relationship, and it maybe hard to commit to one person.
  • I dream of guiding and fostering/developing the perfectfamily in the perfect home.
  • I crave/need the devotion from offspring/children and a lovingspouse.
  • I picture myself in the center of a successful domestic unit

Companies Understanding:
  • I have a Master Degree in Computer Applications.
  • I am Technically sophisticated and business savvy professional with 8+ years of experience as an Manager, PMO, business analyst & in various project roles as Technical Lead, Project Lead, Sr. Developer, Developer, Support Engineer at several MNC Clients.
  • I Have strong communication and interpersonal skills both written and oral.
  • I am Highly effective individual with proven ability to identify, analyze and solve problems and have good Exposure in Web Development life cycle model in Microsoft (.NET/VB/ASP/XML) technologies.
  • I am Involved in Project delivery and governance.
  • Have technical and management experience in web & windows development using ASP, VB, VB.NET, XML, XSL and SQL/Oracle.
  • Enough - this is not worth. It looks Perfect selling and it is only for Money, Money, Money !! :)

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