
Thursday 21 November 2013

Follow your Heart !!

Everyone have some desire to achieve in their life. How only few people achieve?

A Basic Desire of everyone is to have a life without a worry for food, shelter, a good clothing.

Some extra ordinary desires also comes up for few people, like making the world to see them (bill gates).

If Desire is common to everyone, we see that, most people even struggle to achieve their Basic Desire in their whole life.

Few People could even satisfy their impossible desires.

I heard from a speaker, to answer this. I felt its true. I believe you all agree too.

In a company, there is only 1 Business Man, and rest of 1000s are employees at various levels.

We all know that, Desire comes from Heart.

If an Employee (mindset) finds some desire from heart (which is very essential for his happiness), he starts analyzing with his mind whether the desire is possible or not, by evaluating his past experience and his skills. In Most cases, Mind never sees anything Positive and rejects his proposal. Most people suffer this sick and most people fail to achieve their desires. In General, they follow their mind and they kill their Heart’s Desire.

If an Business Man (mindset) finds some desire from heart (which can be impossible too), he gets excited about his idea and starts asking his Brain to find a way to achieve this, to reality. Brain here, do not evaluate his skills rather become slave and starts creating ideas to achieve his Desire. Such people is uncommon. They are excited about their future. They go Extra Mile. They create Impact on 1000s of People. They create Opportunities for other people. They achieve in a large probability. In General, they follow their Heart and make their Mind to achieve their desire

Prem @ Sundaram M

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