
Thursday 3 January 2013

Easy way to Learn checkbox n EXCEL 2007 - Tutorial - Case Study

This is to understand how list can be added and how macros can be written
Open the Excel, Rename Sheet1 as List and enter the name as below

Click Formulas -> Define Name
Give the name as “NameList” and select the Range from A2 till A15 in List Sheet. It will show the below screen

Click OK
Now, Open Sheet2 and enter the data as shown below:

Now, highlight B2 to B4.  Click Data -> Data Validation -> Data Validation as below:

It will display the below screen. Select List from Dropdown. Type =Namelist as below

Click OK
From now, you will be able to select the Names as dropdown box in B2, B3, B4 cell as below

Now, we will learn how to add a checkbox.
Click the More Command from the below link:

You will see the below screen:

Change the Popular Commands from Dropdown to Developer tab as below

Select Control. Click Add as below

Click OK
In below, you can see the control button showing in Quick Access Toolbar as below

Now. Click the Insert -> Select the Checkbox control under form control as below

Click over D1 cell as below, it will place the checkbox control. Adjust the cell such that, checkbox control looks like, it get placed inside the cell D1 as below

Right Click the checkbox control -> Click “Format control” as below

Under Web tab, change the Name displayed as below

Click OK.
Now, Right Click the control once again as below. Click Edit Text

Click Edit Text
Change the Name to “Multi Select” as below

Now, goto Sheet “List”. Highlight Cell D1, and Change the Name of this Cell from B1 to EditMode as below

Now, Goto Sheet2, Right Click the checkbox control as below

Click Format Control.
In Control Tab, give the link Name as “EditMode” as below

Click OK
The above steps, ensures, that, based on the value selected in the checkbox, Cell D1 in Sheet “List” will change to False/True.
Let’s check the box in Sheet2 as below

Goto Sheet “List”. You can see, Cell D1 shows True as below

Now, right click Sheet2 -> View Code as below

It will open VBA screen.
Write the below code

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngDV As Range
Dim oldVal As String
Dim newVal As String
Dim strSep As String
Dim rngEdit As Range

Set rngEdit = Worksheets("List").Range("EditMode")

strSep = Chr(10) 'line break separator

If Target.Count > 1 Then GoTo exitHandler
On Error Resume Next
Set rngDV = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
On Error GoTo exitHandler

If rngDV Is Nothing Then GoTo exitHandler

If rngEdit.Value = True Then
    If Intersect(Target, rngDV) Is Nothing Then
       'do nothing
      Application.EnableEvents = False
      newVal = Target.Value
      oldVal = Target.Value
      Target.Value = newVal
      If Target.Column = 2 Or Target.Column = 4 Then
        If oldVal = "" Then
          'do nothing
          If newVal = "" Then
          'do nothing
          Target.Value = oldVal _
            & strSep & newVal
          End If
        End If
      End If
    End If
End If

  Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Close the VBA window
Ensure, the Control  is not design mode by ensuring Design mode is not highlighted, by verifying the below screen

It should look like

Save this. Give filename as “List_Macros”.
Close the Excel.
Reopen the File “List_Macros.xlsx”
With Checkbox unchecked, select some names  as below

Now, put checkmark in the multi select. Now Add “Rohini” in addition to the existing name “SriVidya”
If it didn’t add, macros is not working.
Right Click Sheet 2 -> View Code.
If the code is not there, reenter the code once again as given above.
Click Save. You might get the below screen

Click No.
In the below screen, ensure that, you select the file type as below and click Save

Click Save.
Now, close the VBA Screen. Close the Excel.
Reopen the Excel.
If the macros are disabled, you can enable by clicking the Options and selecting the below option.

Click OK
Now, check the multi select box as below

Now select 2 names for Bsc Physics as below. It will allow you to multi display as below

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Easy way to Learn dropdown in EXCEL 2007 - Tutorial - Case Study

Open the Excel, Rename Sheet1 as List and enter the name as below

Click Formulas -> Define Name
Give the name as “NameList” and select the Range from A2 till A15 in List Sheet. It will show the below screen

Click OK
Now, Open Sheet2 and enter the data as shown below:

Now, highlight B2 to B4.  Click Data -> Data Validation -> Data Validation as below:

It will display the below screen. Select List from Dropdown. Type =Namelist as below

Click OK
From now, you will be able to select the Names as dropdown box in B2, B3, B4 cell as below

Easy way to Learn Vlookup in EXCEL 2007 - Tutorial - Case Study

This is an example, just to understand how vlookup works:

In below figure, Cell C2 displays the value in cell B2, if D2 exactly matches the value in any of the cell in Column A. If matches, it displays the respective value in 2nd column B (i.e., cell B2) to cell C2.
Exactly matches refer to “FALSE” Boolean type.

In Below figure, it does find the match in D3 and in any cell in column A (here A2), hence, displays respective cell value in B2 in C3.

In below figure, it does not find the match in D4 and in any cell in column A, hence displays 0 in cell C4

Now, change the exact match (FALSE) to approximate match (TRUE) and see the result as below:

Another example for approximate match.
D3 displays the value from Cell F3, once A3 value matches with column F.  A3 cell value 3, is between 1 to 19 in F3.

Below displays value in D4

Below is the example for approximate match using name instead of numbers.
B2 cell displays of A2, if A2 approximately matches C2, as below:

Below displays the value of A3 in B3.

That's it.